Most people do not believe vaccine horror stories but here is the proof!

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Vaccine Horror Stories part 1

The claim: Aborted Fetuses are used to produce vaccines!

Is this true or is it just a made up story by anti-vaxx groups?

It’s true! Please listen to the following video or just read the excerpts.

Stanley Plotkin: “… we were studying them originally before we decided to use them to make vaccines.”

Stanley Plotkin is not just one guy. He is more or less one of the key figures as scientist and spokesperson for the vaccine industry. More about him at the end of the article.

The following is an excerpt from the


11 New Hope, Pennsylvania

January 11, 2018

Q = Question

A = Answer by Stanley Plotkin

15 Q Wasn’t the purpose of this study to help

16 develop a human cell line or to support the use of

17 human cell lines in the creation of vaccines?

18 A The idea was to study the cell strains

19 from fetuses to determine whether or not they could

20 be used to make vaccines.

21 Q So this was related to your work?

22 A Well, yes, in a sense —

23 Q To vaccines, correct?

24 A Yes. It was preparatory.

25 Q So this study involved 74 fetuses,

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2 correct?

3 A I don’t remember exactly how many.

4 Q If you turn to page 12 of the study.

5 A Seventy-six.

6 Q Seventy-six. And these fetuses were all

7 three months or older when aborted, correct?

8 A Yes.

9 Q And these were all normally developed

10 fetuses, correct?

11 A Yes.

12 Q Okay. These included fetuses that were

13 aborted for social and psychiatric reasons, correct?

14 A Correct.

15 Q What organs did you harvest from these

16 fetuses?

17 A Well, I didn’t personally harvest any, but

18 a whole range of tissues were harvested by

19 co-workers.

20 Q And these pieces were then cut up into

21 little pieces, right?

22 A Yes.

23 Q And they were cultured?

24 A Yes.

25 Q Some of the pieces of the fetuses were

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2 pituitary gland that were chopped up into pieces

3 to —

4 A Mm-hmm.

5 Q Included the lung of the fetuses?

6 A Yes.

7 Q Included the skin?

8 A Yes.

9 Q Kidney?

10 A Yes.

11 Q Spleen?

12 A Yes.

13 Q Heart?

14 A Yes.

15 Q Tongue?

16 A I don’t recall, but probably yes.

17 Q So I just want to make sure I understand.

18 In your entire career — this was just one study.

19 So I’m going to ask you again, in your entire

20 career, how many fetuses have you worked with

21 approximately?

22 A Well, I don’t remember the exact number,

23 but quite a few when we were studying them

24 originally before we decided to use them to make

25 vaccines.

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2 Q Do you have any sense? I mean, this one

3 study had 76. How many other studies did you have

4 that you used aborted fetuses for?

5 A I don’t remember how many.

6 Q You’re aware, are you aware that the, one

7 of the objections to vaccination by the plaintiff in

8 this case is the inclusion of aborted fetal tissue

9 in the development of vaccines and the fact that

10 it’s actually part of the ingredients of vaccines?

11 A Yeah, I’m aware of those objections. The

12 Catholic church has actually issued a document on

13 that which says that individuals who need the

14 vaccine should receive the vaccines, regardless of

15 the fact, and that I think it implies that I am the

16 individual who will go to hell because of the use of

17 aborted tissues, which I am glad to do.

18 Q Do you know if the mother’s Catholic?

19 A I have no idea.

20 Q Okay.

21 A But she should consult her priest.

The following video shows Stanley Plotkin, under oath, full video, 9 hours:

If you would like to download the full transcript:

Who is Stanley Plotkin:

Vaccine Horror Stories told by Stanley Alan Plotkin - without any empathy!

Stanley Alan Plotkin (born May 12, 1932[1]) is an American physician who works as a consultant to vaccine manufacturers, such as Sanofi Pasteur, as well as biotechnology firms, non-profits and governments. In the 1960s, he played a pivotal role in discovery of a vaccine against rubella virus while working at Wistar Institute in Philadelphia. Plotkin was a member of Wistar’s active research faculty from 1960 to 1991. Today, in addition to his emeritus appointment at Wistar, he is emeritus professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania. His book, “Vaccines”,[2][3] is the standard reference on the subject.[4][5] He is an editor with Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, which is published by the American Society for Microbiology in Washington, D.C..


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