The following screenshots are from Covid19 vaccine trial participants. Not from people who are vaccine critics or anti-vaccers. They entered the trials because they thought they are doing something good for society. Now they are experiencing serious (and likely longlasting) side effects.
Everywhere you get told that there are no side effects and if there are, that they are very rare. 1 in a million is the common narrative, but there were only a few ten-thousand trial participants, and the following reportings are for sure only the tip of the iceberg. Not everyone is on Facebook and will post about it. (
I was pro-vaccine my whole life until my son got seriously injured from the HPV vaccine. Also because I studied physics and chemistry I never doubted the “science” behind vaccines. Now I have to tell you that real science is not the same as vaccine producers selling you vaccines. It has nothing to do with science.
They want your money, our money, that’s all.
Please have a look at the following screenshots and share them to everyone you care about. It’s outrageous and we have to fight this.

Here is the “source” of this story! If you are on Facebook you can also read it there.
Additionally there have been now several reportings of anaphylactic shock in the “regular news” after getting the Covid19 vaccine.
And good news… for the vaccine manufacturers, you cannot sue them! (
Official Vaccine Side Effect Statistics 2020
Please also look at the following official statistics. It shows that vaccine side effects do happen pretty often. It’s not 1 in a million, rather up to every second recipient is experiencing some and 1 in 40 is experiencing severe side effects.

FDA Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine
Click to access 05-COVID-CLARK.pdf
Be careful – and don’t just follow the vaccine sales people!
I will upload more screenshots as soon as I have time to look through new postings.