So let’s talk about this covid covid vaccine ’cause you just brought it up right what does this mean and let me try and characterize this DNA deoxyribonucleic acid are the basis of our genetic structure if you like in every cell is turned in encodes for protein and it transfer’s its information to make the protein through Messenger RNA so Messenger RNA is an intermediary between the gene and the product the protein it’s the protein that ultimately elicits the immune response not the RNA if you want to make a vaccine it’s protein that you give whether it’s bacterial protein or viral protein whatever it is it’s the protein to which the human immune system develops the immune response so by definition an RNA vaccine isn’t a vaccine at all because it doesn’t elicit an immune response it has to be turned into protein and it’s the protein in turn that creates the immune response and Messenger RNA vaccine is actually genetic engineering that’s what it is it’s putting genetic material from an RNA virus into your cells and asking the cellular machinery with the RNA to produce protein from your cells to which you then Mount an immune response what could possibly go wrong you have cells in your own body that are producing protein to which the OR immune system is gonna matter in an immune response that’s called an autoimmune disease so the potential for this to go horribly wrong is enormous it’s never been used in humans before it’s never been tested out and yet it’s been rushed to market in these circumstances in the Pfizer vaccine and we’re already seeing some major problems occurring I think there were two cases of anaphylaxis I think there have been deaths that have just been reported So what is going on we need to know but firstly a vaccine for this is a misnomer it is not a vaccine it is an intermediary product which leads to the production of a protein that generates a so-called vaccine and it is genetic engineering that is never been tested out in human beings before and if it causes a problem a year two years five years down the line and it’s already been given to billions of people worldwide it’s too late you can’t take it in you can’t switch it off you can’t stop it it’s in there it’s like if I couldn’t as a filmmaker created it started like Jurassic Park that is about to escape the island in my opinion why why mate seriously why many it operates on many of those people scientists operate in laboratories and they have great ideas and they think that that idea is going to translate into something to save the world some of them really genuinely think that but they are living in such a microcosm such an intellectual vacuum are bubble that they don’t see the problems what they see is the success of their brainchild because we can we should no because we think we can we’re prepared to take the risk on other people’s behalf that’s the truth of it and so many times science has got it wrong science has made assumptions about its ability to exploit and exert Dominion over nature but nature will not have it that way and what you found in the human genome project is when they tried genetic engineering when they changed 1 gene that they thought was a key defect in a disease process they thought they would correct that but they didn’t what they did is to have a knock on effect on multiple other genes switched them on switched them off upregulate and downregulate them they did not expect that and they had to abandon that kind of project because we do not understand so much about the way in which the complexity of the human body the complexity of the human immune system operates so to assume that the scientist sitting in a lab could devise the idea of an RNA vaccine but then suddenly captures the imagination of public health officials and gets put into billions of people is there are many many many steps that have been missed out in between and I whenever it’s been done Pete this kind of thing it’s it’s had alarming results so take me through the process she said there’s the scientists that are not nefarious they’re doing their job what’s the chain of events above them or who authorizes the next steps to the point where Boris Johnson is with the first patient to take the vaccine late is it and is there anyone ringing the alarm bells along that chain of command yesterday
Why are mRNA vaccines so dangerous?
I’m sure but they get silenced very very quickly because what happens very quickly as you have the scientist in the lab creating the idea and showing in a cell culture system that it might work or at least works in that isolated cell culture system and then what happens is the corporate arm of the company comes along and says right that’s very exciting that could make us a great deal of money we’re going to file patents on that and then we’re going to exploit it and we’re going to offer this to the government who are now terrified terrified of this pandemic they don’t know what to do about it they’re not biologists are not epidemiologists they’re not scientists we can put the fear of God into these people and then we and then we can exploit them to get what we want and this is exactly what we do the reason I say this is because I’ve just made a movie about it we just made a movie about how the pharmaceutical the vaccine makers exploited fear in government officials and politicians in public health officials in order to get liability protection for damage done by their vaccines in America they had no liability for vaccines that were on the recommended childhood schedule they could not be made to pay for damage done the vaccines were mandatory they had a perfect market all they could do is make a massive profit and they saw that at work they saw that process work in 76 with swine flu vaccine they saw it work in 86 with the national childhood vaccine injury act they’ve now seen it work with what’s called the prep act which is all vaccines in emergency situations and now they’ve exploited it worldwide except in Brazil to get liability protection for the covid vaccine so they can shortcuts safety studies they can rush to market they don’t mind because they’re not going to pay a price for it they don’t pick up the tab for the damage done so with let’s take Australia for example United States Canada United Kingdom where they keep saying we will not go back to normal until a vaccine appears or a riser is administered to a percentage of the population are very high percentage of population are they reading from a script or they who’s telling these politicians but this is the answer this is the solution alarmingly it seems to me that the first person to propagate this notion was actually Bill Gates a man who simply by virtue of his wealth certainly not by any virtue of any training has assumed a role as are of public health policy worldwide an individual health choice for every citizen of the globe and he is the one who started the notion that this will not get back to normal until we’ve largely vaccinated all 7 billion people in the world and that has felt mantra has been taken up by politician and it’s really very very frightening very frightening because it kind of sets the stage the expectation we will not get back to normal until we have a vaccine the vaccine will not get us back to normal he won’t do it I don’t think the vaccines have got more than 6 two months to a year on the market before they withdrawn due to adverse reactions that’s my personal opinion based upon the movie I just made and the findings that came from that movie past experience that’s my feeling that’s how it’s going to go down but we’ll see
Why are mRNA vaccines so dangerous?
![mRNA Vaccines are dangerous](